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A Safe Place for the Widowed
Losing a spouse is never easy. If you at times are apt to feeling sadness, loneliness, or even anxiety about navigating the future without your significant other, we are here for you! A Safe Place for the Widowed is a faith based ministry dedicated to providing comfort, financial support, and inspiration to widows and widowers of all ages. This ministry has successfully created a community where widows and widowers can come together, connect, grow, and draw strength from one another. We want you to know you are not alone!
For more information on upcoming events please subscribe to our mailing list or click the link below to navigate the events page.
If you would like to partner with the founder, Koren Carmichael Turner, to assist with events, sponsor giveaways, or financially donate to the cause you can contact Koren at:
(443) 528-6654
Or access the online donation portal by clicking the donate button below.
Thank You!
Widows Brunch 2021
Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the thoughts that I have for you, plans to prosper you, and not to harm you".
That was the message God gave Lady Koren Turner for the widows. It was a beautiful event designed to help widows know that they are loved, and God still has work for them! Worship by God's Design entails showing love to all! Approximately 20 widows came to the event and were loved, fed, and showered with the love of God! Everyone was blessed, and testimonies are still coming in that they have not felt the same since the event. The common theme was, "I no longer feel alone"!
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